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UK Limited Companies
This is a list of companies based in or registered in British Virgin Islands. Sole traders are not listed here.

Company NameRegistered Office LocationSummary of Business
WINFOONG OVERSEAS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of WINFOONG OVERSEAS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
FILADELFIA GROUP LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of FILADELFIA GROUP. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
METATRON OVERSEAS CORPORATION , We do not know the formation date yet of METATRON OVERSEAS CORPORATION. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
DORAL HOLDINGS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of DORAL HOLDINGS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
VENSALL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of VENSALL INTERNATIONAL. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
MARTRADE OVERSEAS CORP. , We do not know the formation date yet of MARTRADE OVERSEAS CORP.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
CONQUEST ENTERPRISES LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of CONQUEST ENTERPRISES. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
PAXMILL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of PAXMILL INTERNATIONAL. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
GGRA INVESTMENTS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of GGRA INVESTMENTS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
ROUZOS INC , We do not know the formation date yet of ROUZOS INC. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
NOVA SHIP MANAGEMENT LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of NOVA SHIP MANAGEMENT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
PATAGON MULTIMODAL SYSTEMS LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of PATAGON MULTIMODAL SYSTEMS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
RIVER PLATE SHIPPING CO. LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of RIVER PLATE SHIPPING CO.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
NEXXUS LEASING CO. LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of NEXXUS LEASING CO.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
TOTAL TRANSPORT CONTAINER LINES LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of TOTAL TRANSPORT CONTAINER LINES. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Standish International Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Standish International. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
GLOBAL GREEN SYSTEMS LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of GLOBAL GREEN SYSTEMS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
LACHLAN FINANCE LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of LACHLAN FINANCE. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
TREDEGAR SERVICES LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of TREDEGAR SERVICES. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
KURAMO LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of KURAMO. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
MASUMI INVESTMENTS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of MASUMI INVESTMENTS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Wheelock Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Wheelock. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
DARLIT LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of DARLIT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
SILVERADO INVESTMENTS LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of SILVERADO INVESTMENTS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
NIKEL BEACH INVESTMENTS CORP. , We do not know the formation date yet of NIKEL BEACH INVESTMENTS CORP.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
DEMERA INVESTMENTS LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of DEMERA INVESTMENTS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
BELVIEW OVERSEAS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of BELVIEW OVERSEAS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Arkady Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Arkady. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
MACON MANAGEMENT LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of MACON MANAGEMENT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
PF Classifields Inc. , We do not know the formation date yet of PF Classifields Inc.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Greenwich International Trading Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Greenwich International Trading. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Overseas Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Overseas. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Global Corporate Investments Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Global Corporate Investments. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
PEMBURY FINANCE LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of PEMBURY FINANCE. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
HAZLETON FINANCE LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of HAZLETON FINANCE. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
DRISKELL TRADING LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of DRISKELL TRADING. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
MONT ROUGE HOLDINGS LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of MONT ROUGE HOLDINGS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Pearl Corporate Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Pearl Corporate. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
GALKA HOLDINGS LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of GALKA HOLDINGS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Oulton Park Inc. , We do not know the formation date yet of Oulton Park Inc.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
MATAKANA TWO LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of MATAKANA TWO. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
DV4 IRELAND CO LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of DV4 IRELAND CO. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
NIGHSTAR UNIVERSAL S.A. , We do not know the formation date yet of NIGHSTAR UNIVERSAL S.A.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
LIOBEL LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of LIOBEL. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
V.A.G INTERNATIONAL LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of V.A.G INTERNATIONAL. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
ARCH RETAIL HOLDINGS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of ARCH RETAIL HOLDINGS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Billion Trading Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Billion Trading. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
BLOSSOM AMAZING LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of BLOSSOM AMAZING. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
BROADER VIEW LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of BROADER VIEW. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
BRAVO TEAM LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of BRAVO TEAM. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.

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